Homeschool Classical Music Listening Guide
Explore 17 different composers from all musical eras including Early Music, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Music.
This guide includes information on each composer, individual activities to do with each example, a YouTube playlist to hear each example, ways to incorporate active music listening and music appreciation into your daily homeschool day, and more!
Designed by homeschool music educator Laura Thompson, this guide will help you to explore the history of western music in an approachable way. No prior music background required!
Explore 17 different composers from all musical eras including Early Music, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Music.
This guide includes information on each composer, individual activities to do with each example, a YouTube playlist to hear each example, ways to incorporate active music listening and music appreciation into your daily homeschool day, and more!
Designed by homeschool music educator Laura Thompson, this guide will help you to explore the history of western music in an approachable way. No prior music background required!
Explore 17 different composers from all musical eras including Early Music, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Music.
This guide includes information on each composer, individual activities to do with each example, a YouTube playlist to hear each example, ways to incorporate active music listening and music appreciation into your daily homeschool day, and more!
Designed by homeschool music educator Laura Thompson, this guide will help you to explore the history of western music in an approachable way. No prior music background required!